Blaney Criticises Cowen’s Border Check Call

Sharp criticism has been levelled at Fianna Fáil member Barry Cowen by fellow party and constituency candidate, Niall Blaney. Cowen’s advocacy for random border checks in Northern Ireland to detect illegal immigrants has been described as “ill-judged” by Blaney. He expressed his disappointment that a member of the Dáil would suggest, post-Belfast Agreement, that the issue of illegal migration was one-sided.

Both Blaney and Cowen are contesting in Midlands North West for Fianna Fáil. Another candidate includes senator Lisa Chambers.

Cowen’s proposal involves random border checks, swift decisions on incorporating more safe countries of origin, and expediting deportations. In his view, regular checks by Garda on the border would act as a deterrent to illegal immigrants.

However, in a recent statement, Blaney made his frustration clear over the migration issue and disagreed with the focus on the Northern and Southern Ireland border, stating that it was not the right approach. He emphasised that the boundary controls on the island were hard-fought against.

In Blaney’s opinion, this is a European issue that requires a broader outlook. He dismissed continuous discussions about migrant tents in Dublin by stating that the problem is much bigger than the city.

However, Cowen countered by asserting that Blaney misunderstood the context of his proposal. He clarified that it was within Garda immigration officers’ authority to conduct spot checks throughout the country. Cowen argued that his recommendation was not exclusive to the border and lamented the unit’s lack of resources.

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