Legendary still photographer Alfonso Avincola on display in Naples

The beautiful city of Naples is now hosting an exhibition called Un fotografo per il cinema: 100 scatti di Alfonso Avincola; five days dedicated to Alfonso Avincola, a famous still photographer who has worked for the legendary movie producer Dino de Laurentis.
The exhibition featuring 100 stills tries to explore the relationship between cinema and photography; an aspect this that has always fascinated those Italians who love good movies.

Many International stars have been over the years photographed by the Maestro; from Silvana Mangano (Il processo di Verona), Robert Redford (The Days of The Condor) and Mia Farrow to Albero Sordi, and Monica Vitti ( In polvere di Stelle).
Mr Avincola lives now in America, but despite the distance, Italy remains the ultimate source of inspiration, the light that guides his way.
The exhibition is taking place at Castel Sant’Elmo in Naples.
