“Enhancing Services within the Public Sector”

Dearest Editor,

Trade unions representing public sector staff have been utterly sensible in their demands for the swift implementation of the prearranged salary rises that will benefit nearly 400,000 government and public sector employees (News, March 26th). The request was positively received by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform who stated that it would “continue to bolster the current reformation of our public services, enabling ongoing changes in a mutually supportive and cooperative manner”. However, there was no urgency affirmed for delivering the reforms.

It is well known that we have two high-ranking ministers in Merrion Street, one of whom, as we understand it, is tasked with public sector reform. Each September or October, the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform should be obligated to unveil a yearly budget for tangible and quantifiable reforms that will take effect in the subsequent year. Furthermore, frequent opportunities should be offered for the Minister to update on the progress against the stated budget.

This proposition does not merely allow the Minister to validate the latter half of his official designation. It could also help eradicate the commonly held impression that necessary increases in public spending are solely financed by either raising taxes or borrowing more.

Warm Regards,

Pat O’Brien,
Dublin 6.
